2021/2022 Scholarships

In the 2021/2022 academic year, Cyizere Girls awarded scholarships to 34 girls out of 200 applicants who will pursue Accountancy, Computer Applications, Masonry, Electricity, Tailoring, Tourism, and Culinary Arts courses. This is a chance at a brighter future.

COVID-19 has however disrupted the school calendar. In June 2021, schools closed due to a rise in COVID-19 cases. Schools were expected to reopen in early August but the Ministry of Education set the date to 11th October 2021. Measures were put to increase vaccine uptake before schools resume. Still, the negative effects of COVID continue to bite with many parents who have lost jobs and businesses, teachers being unmotivated due to irregular pay, and schools suffering from poor facilities because maintenance costs can’t be met. Despite this, schools strive to remain open and provide much-needed education.